January 30, 2017
I really enjoyed reading the book, The Smoking Mirror Garza Twins Book One by David Bowles. I read it because it was on this year's Chicago Public Schools Battle of the Books List. The cover has a wolf like creature coming out of a tunnel and that just drew me to read the book right away. I read it over winter break. It was a very easy, enjoyable read. Even though you really had to use your imagination to visualize what this world was like, it was easy to go on this adventure with twin brother and sister , Carol and Johnny. Carol and Johnny are on a fantastical, magical adventure to save their mother! Furthermore, the author tries to weave in a bit of mythology and that makse the story more interesting. READ THIS BOOK TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS. I am going to find out if there is a BOOK TWO! I sure hope so.