As part of my class, we are asked to share on our blog two artifacts we learned about. Artifact 1 is my PBL unit. PBL is problem based learning. In this course, we learned what PBL was and what it looked like. In problem based learning, students are given a problem that they need to solve as a group. These are problems happening in our lives today or will happen in the future. There can be more than one solution to the problem. Students learn higher order critical thinking skills , communication skills, and research skills. In our class, we had to come up with three problem based learning topics. Since this is called effective technology integration, we also had to incorporate at least five technology tools into our problem based learning units. We typed our problem based learning topics and our tech integration ideas into an outline. We then were asked to pick one problem based topic to focus on. We shared our problem based learning topics with our discussion groups online and explained why we picked that particular one. We also asked questions and concerns about our topic from our colleagues. This discussion was so helpful because it helped me to hone my unit better and feel confident about implementing this unit. My topic was Library Design. My question : how would you redesign the library to help students learn? The following technology would be integrated effectively in my attached problem based learning unit: docs or google keep to keep track of research, interview, videos( use google doc comments as feedback)
2. google drawing to draw map and label your library
3.voice recorder: interview other librarians, teachers, students expeditions(visit other libraries) tube videos
My unit is ARTIFACT 1. Attached is my unit: keaneubd
My unit is based on the Understanding by Design Template and has students solve the problem of designing the library to enhance learning. I hope to expand on my other two problem based learning topics and create units for them this summer.