As I reflect back on this course, I liked how we did the Tech Tool Hunt. Our teacher asked us to come up with three tools and not only tell what they are but how they would be implemented in the classroom. We also had to explain where on the SAMR model of teaching did that technology integration fall. SAMR means Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition. We all typed our recommendations on a google doc. An example of substitution in the classroom would be having students type instead of write. Augmentation is anything that adds to what you are teaching. Perhaps, adding videos and links to supplement students reading. Students using google docs to not only type their work but to collaborate with one another by sharing their docs and commenting with feedback would fall on the modification aspect. Redefinition has students transforming their learning. For example, they might use flipgrid to showcase their videos of what they learned to the class and to the teacher. Students can also give each other feedback as well.
The tech tools I picked for this assignment was Kahoot, Google Expeditions and Code Studio. I have attached below my snapshot of how these tools I use in my classroom fall on the SAMR model. I liked this assignment because it made me rethink about my lessons and the tools I use. I want my students to be learning on the modification and redefinition stages in my classroom. It will be very helpful to refer to this google doc called Tech Tool Hunt because the other tools my colleagues recommended are on there and I can see where those tools fall on the SAMR model. I am so excited about exploring the other tools and planning lessons that will benefit my students' learning.
Tech Tool Hunt
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