Sunday, July 22, 2018


July 22nd, 2018

I feel like this course went by so fast! I cannot believe it is time to reflect on it. I have learned so much. One of the things I loved and made sure to save was the Tech Tool Hunt Assignment. We all had to write about three technology tools and state what they are and how they would be utilized in the classroom! In addition, we all had to type our responses on the same google doc. This is something that I can have my students do so that I do not receive thirty copies in my email. The Tech Tool Hunt was great because it is hard to remember all the great tools out there and now I have something I can refer to in the school year. It is nice when fellow colleagues recommend a tool and then tell you how they use it and how it has been beneficial in their classroom. I have learned about Snap and Read, Insert Learning, Quizalize and WebCreaza to name a few. One of the others things I liked was when our teacher would post Weekly Websites. She would post an interesting website for us to look at. I have bookmarked all of them. One of them was called Wizer and it was a tool to digitize your worksheets! I am definitely looking into this. The other thing I liked was our our teacher would also recommend people to follow on Twitter. I have followed them on twitter and this is one of the ways that helps me to continue my learning journey. I learn about the teaching tools others are using from Twitter. It is great to learn from fellow educators. I love learning about new things. I have definitely grown because I knew little of problem based learning and now I have a whole problem based learning unit to implement this year! I have learned so much from talking in discussions with my colleagues because it makes you feel like it is okay to make mistakes and we are all learning from each other. We learned about from each other on how we use assistive technology to managing tech devices. You learn best from each other. The fake news articles got me thinking about modifying and updating my media literacy units and am excited to teach students more about fake news this year. I wonder what I will learn in my next course: EEND-679: Assessing and Improving Student Achievement with Technology.


  1. I also loved the tech tool hunt. Even know I am learning, because I must have missed the reference to Wizer - this sounds like an excellent way to enhance technology in the classroom in helping students learn more. My PLN has grown significantly from this course as well; I commented on Jessica's blog about how I think I can continue learning my just my PLN alone due to all of the different resources that individuals post and provide. The nice thing about technology is that it is always changing, so there are always more and more resources to learn about! Thank you for all that you have shared during this course! I will also be taking 679 next, so I look forward to learning more with you. :)

  2. You are taking away such great materials and you have been an asset to others in this course. The assessment course will be a nice follow up to this one. Enjoy! Good luck to you on your continued learning.

  3. I agree this course flew by just like summer did. Two weeks away for starting the new school year for me. I am glad I read your reflection because with so much going on this summer, I had already forgotten about the Tech Tool Hunt. You are right, that is a keeper!
