Friday, November 24, 2017

Educational Technology

November 24th, 2017

As part of my Educational Technology class at the University of St. Francis, we have been asked to pose a question to our colleagues about issues that come up when using technology in education.  Teaching students keyboarding skills has been part of my curriculum due to online standardized testing with NWEA and PARCC. I just wonder do students do better on online standardized tests or paper and pencil?


  1. I teach high school Pre-Calculus as one of my courses. I don't have any data comparing performances of online testing versus paper-and-pencil, but I do have some anecdotal information. We have an online homework platform we use for this course. The students shown a surprising (in my opinion) desire to return to a more traditional format for homework. Regarding testing, we haven't moved in an online testing direction because it's not the best way to assess the process of problem solving.

  2. That is very interesting! I found that to be true too that students like using paper and pencil sometimes. It is like the print vs digital debate. Most of my students love checking out books versus e-books!
