Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Genius Hour 5 and 6

July 9th, 2019

Note: Genius Hour 5 is not posted here as the post was done via FLIP GRID.


What do I  know that I didn't know last week?

I can hear people dropping things behind me! Just the other day,I am on my daily walk and I heard something drop but what was it? I turned around and it was someone who dropped a water bottle!

I also am hearing different sounds of the birds on my daily walk. Before they all sounded the same. It is much better now because they have their own sounds.

I learned about a different app called Otter Ai and it is amazing! It is almost like a voice to text transcription. I am still experimenting with it.

My progress on the AB advanced bionics app is going well. I can hear the videos without lipreading!! Whoooohooo! However, that means I need to make it harder and keep challenging myself with longer and longer sentences.

I have noticed that I like to do my practice at home in the same spot-my living room. I do not know why. It gives me peace of mind and I am just serious about doing my project. It is very quiet and there are no interruptions!I always seem to do it at the same time of night too because that is when I get home from school and I have finished eating. I feel like this is when I am most efficient with my project. It is also interesting to note that I also felt more efficient after I work out or do my daily walk. I felt so motivated to accomplish more goals.

Yes, I get frustrated when I cannot hear something or I am like 100 percent convinced I heard it say the word its and not is. Super frustrating but I just remind myself that letter sounds are similar and is even hard for people with hearing to hear. It takes practice and practice for my brain to learn the difference.

Using the Sound Success Listening Practice by Advanced Bionics


  1. I am giddy with excitement for you! These are the things I work on with my students.It is awesome to see the process from an adult perspective. I can imagine every new sounds is like unlocking another door. Keep up your amazing work. Just curious... do you use FM or an RHAT system at work/school? I can imagine listening through the noise is a challenge!

  2. Your progress has been great to watch! it is great to see you hone your new skills and get such a huge pay off!
